
Who is it for and what we do?

At Ease Kinesiology works well for both adults and children, chronic and acute cases of stress and anxiety brought about by generalised or specific conditions such as:

Physical pain and injury Trauma

Lack of sleep Low self-esteem

Illness and disease Grief and Loss

Depression Bullying

Learning Difficulties Gender and Sexuality

Travel nerves Caring for someone

Pre-doctor/dentist visit Disability

Work, relationships, school, etc.

Lack of purpose/meaning

Performance - school/work/sport

Memory/Concentration issues




Charmain from At Ease Kinesiology is a holistic practitioner.

She incorporates her natural care and experience into a unique and tailor-made session just for you.

Charmain uses her experience, skills and knowledge as a teacher, coach, meditator, Buddhist scholar and kinesiologist into every interaction. Her sessions can be complementary to other modalities and specialists, as well as a stand-alone health care/stress management system.

In sessions she will explore the mind-body-spirit relationship to unravel and uncover trauma, anxiety, stress, imbalances and unease, as directed by you.

As a kinesiologist, Charmain will monitor the biofeedback held within the muscles (see picture) to identify, treat and correct those imbalances and stresses. Kinesiology principles are based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic Medicine and Western Sciences - Physiology, Anatomy and Psychology.

At Ease Kinesiology includes tools such as bodywork (eg. acupressure, energy release points, somatic tasks, gentle massage), holistic wellbeing coaching, breathwork and kinesiology.

“The human body is a unique, dynamic and interdependent set of systems, connected both to internal and external environments, I help bring that back into balance and a place of ease.”

- Charmain Borg


The individual session:

After completing the online intake form, Charmain will discuss with you what brought you here and how she can personally tailor your session around your needs and relevant issues.

If online, you’ll be in a comfortable, private space with good internet connection, and some water.

If in person, you’ll lie fully clothed, on your back on a treatment table.

You will start by discussing what you’re experiencing, as much as you want - the trauma, stress, anxiety, aches and pains. Once Charmain has enough information, she will start doing The Work, including kinesiology, bodywork, breathing, visualisation, acupressure, talking, etc. You’ll start to feel and notice a sense of relaxation and shifts taking place. What comes up is different for everyone and that is the beauty of what is being done. Charmain is able to access your nervous system and its connections to your thoughts, feelings, symptoms and behaviours. In this way, subconscious and unconscious patterns and stresses can be identified and corrected. Before your time is up, you’ll talk about what came up (if you wish!) and how you can continue to move forward and with a treatment plan you will continue to maintain this new sense of empowerment, confidence and freedom!

Face to Face Sessions:

Currently not being offered to new clients

Mondays - Saturdays

Online Sessions:

The most convenient and non-intrusive way to have your needs met. All you need is a quiet and comfy space, the internet and some water. Stay in your pjs, in your home and just open up the device!


What’s in a group session?

Charmain runs group sessions in workplaces, homes and schools for those suffering from stress and anxiety.

It is here that she unites her passion for education with her passion for wellbeing and health.

Charmain’s insightful vision into the causes of stress, anxiety, pain and discomfort, sorrow and distress, aches and illness and so on, allows her skills, knowledge and application to merge into an effective and relevant session for all participants.

Her eye for detail on both the physical and mental/emotional levels allows her to connect with groups in a unique, caring, and genuine safe space of understanding and without judgement.

Within the sessions, Charmain incorporates somatic and educational strategies. She uses both the mind and body to monitor, assess and resolve anxiety, imbalances and stresses within the individual. She uses somatic strategies include physically using the body to locate energy release points and acupoints, qi gong exercises, breathwork and running meridians. She also utilises many educational strategies include discussions, explicit teaching, identification and review of knowledge and skills, building awareness of thought processes and coaching.

Charmain is an experienced educator and kinesiologist. She has a Masters in Education and has worked with students from Early Learning to TAFE and University. She has predominantly worked in government high school settings with students at risk, marginalised groups and students with special needs including the Deaf, Autistic and those with ADHD, eating disorders and self-harming behaviours. She has also taught adult refugees in overseas settings, as well as being Chant Master and Activities Instructor in Buddhist communities.

If you are interested in setting up a program in your school, home or workplace please call Charmain directly on 0432 608 364 or email her on ateasekinesiology@gmail.com.

If you are a parent of a child at school or a member of a workplace who would benefit from such a program, please contact the relevant staff member to make it happen!
